We have some bad news.

Hello Kerbalnauts,

We are very sad to announce that at 15:13:12 (3:13:12 pm) on November 26, 2014 we received message from Jebadiah Kerman: "I am stuck on planet. It is pretty dark here. Can you guys please pick me up?". We have no clue where he is but we are going to be working really hard trying to finish up the cockpit control panel and rebuild mission control.

We will not stop until we find him... We will scour every planet and every moon in the Kerbal system if we have to.

Jeb, we know that you cannot read this, or maybe you can but understand this we will get you back home!


  1. Does this mean the project is cancelled? (Seeing how it's been a year and a half? xD)

    1. The project was completed. The controller was made, the wiring was cleaned up, and the controller worked at emulating keystrokes. However, since that point I (the coder/electrical designer) had no other contributions to the project and was not contacted to perform/spectate the in game testing.
